M A T C H A !! Such a versatile, refreshing beverage for any occasion.
It’s essentially the ground tea leaves of dried green tea - so the powder is packed full of antioxidants. Whether you're in a warm climate or a cooler climate, you and your body will LOVE one of these creamy drinks, packed full with health benefits.
Currently its winter here in Melbourne, so we've been enjoying creamy latte's like this one pretty much every day. And if it's summer where you are, there's really nothing more refreshing than cooling down with an icy cold frappe on a hot day.
These drinks are perfect to warm the soul and up your antioxidant and calcium intake. Plus there's no easier way to reap the benefits of this superfood than sipping on one of these wholesome bevs on the daily.

Ready in 5 minutes | Yields 1 Serving
1 tsp organic matcha powder
1 cup soy milk*
1 tsp liquid sweetener (optional, I use rice malt syrup)**
1/2 cup ice, more if needed (for frappe)
Nourish Insight: Catechins are compounds found in matcha green tea which have been shown to have a high antioxidant effect by reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation and regulating cholesterol metabolism. This means better overall cardiovascular health!
Place the matcha powder, soy milk and sweetener into a high speed blender and blend until combined. Add ice and blend until smooth.
Serve immediately, with a scoop of dairy-free vanilla ice cream if desired.
Heat up soy milk in a saucepan until hot (barely simmering, not boiling), or microwave for 1-2 minutes.
Blend the heated soy milk, matcha powder and sweetener for 10 seconds, until well combined with a layer of froth.
Pour the drink in a mug and serve immediately

*Soy milk can be replaced with any other non-dairy milk. Just ensure that the milk is fortified with calcium (at least 120mg per 100ml is best).
**Liquid sweetener can be omitted if you prefer a savoury beverage or if your plant milk is already sweetened. It’ll still be delicious!
For a lighter beverage, half the soy milk can be replaced with water for a less creamy but more hydrating drink.